Untuk mencari sesuap nasi.....

Kesempitan hidup, menjadikan mereka menderita sebegini...
Kebajikan mereka terabai.... Siapa yang perlu dipertanggungjawabkan???
Social Workk!!!!!
What is Social Work?
Social work is a profession that can challenge you and help you to make a difference for others. Its goal is to improve the overall functioning and well-being of all people. Yet, social workers have a special concern for the poor, the marginalized, and the vulnerable. Social work is both an art and science. A past student explained it this way, "to be a social worker is to be like an artist with the right strokes on a canvas and like a scientist with the correct formula for reaching out and providing what is needed for others."
Where do Social Workers Practice?
ALMOST EVERYWHERE! Social workers can be found in hospitals, schools, churches, criminal justice systems, community agencies, child and family services, mental health centers. They practice as school social workers, mental health counselors, community planners, administrators, child protective service workers, advocates.